Archive for the ‘hitler’ Tag

Not amusing sorry   Leave a comment

So as a follow-up to this blog post, imgur posted a musing about Hitler, lifted from tumblr. And now I’m lifting it from the cycle will never stop

It reminds me of the picture I found, of Hitler giggling with some schoolgirls.

How evil was Hitler? How much of his evil is from his advisors, and how much came from him? I know he was twisted and horrible anti-semetic and xenophobic and anti-Slavic and etc. That came from him. The fascination with the military was not unique. The xenophobia was not unique. What evil was Hitler?

Enter the Nazis   3 comments

Hahaha, animation blog, what animation blog? Anyway I’m editing my paper on women in Nazi Germany, and I came across this sentence:

In propaganda, women’s faces light up and beam at the sight of Adolf Hitler.

My professor circled this sentence and then wrote illegibly next to it, so I’m assuming that I could probably spruce this section up a bit. I decided the best way to do that would be to show, not tell. In Triumph of the Will, there’s lot of fantastic images of women looking ecstatic meeting Adolf Hitler during his arrival procession through Nuremberg. I popped up Google and started doing a search for Adolf Hitler and a woman in Triumph of the Will. Just typing in “Adolf Hitler and a woman” called up “Adolf Hitler was a woman as the first search option.

Well curiosity got the better of me.





At first it was hilarious, but right around the fourth image I realized that it was actually sexist, and now I’m not sure how I feel. On one hand, making the leader of one of the world’s most horrific dictatorships look silly is hilarious. On the other hand, isn’t photoshopping him into stereotypical female clothing kind of insulting to females? The last two photos are from articles on Britain’s attempts to turn Hitler into a woman…for some reason. It’s so stupid. I feel kind of stupid for laughing at it.

Anyway I think I’ll put this picture in my paper.


All the crowd scenes from Triumph of the Will don’t have Hitler in them, and I don’t want an adoring crowd out-of-context. Otherwise I’d have to use a picture of Hitler and Leni Riefenstahl, who was part of the propaganda machine, or this picture:


Which is the sort of picture I was looking for, but it has that url on it and I don’t like that border.